TDDFT in CP2K. Update on SAINT

Sergey Chulkov, Matt Watkins

School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Lincoln, UK

MgO data calculated by Jack Strand, Alex Shluger's group

University College London


DFT normally thought of as ground state theory.

But, time dependent version actually has quite long history - it didn't really achieve prominence until Casida's reformulation caught on with Quantum Chemistry community.

Dynamic polarizabilities and excitation spectra from a molecular implementation of time‐dependent density‐functional response theory: N2 as a case study, Christine Jamorski, Mark E. Casida and Dennis R. Salahub, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 5134 (1996)

TDDFT maps onto CIS and TDHF methods already well known in QC community, in similar way groundstate DFT -> HF .

Two main methods to solve the TDKS equations

both methods are available in CP2K.

We have been working on the Linear Response implementation.

Electron hole pairs

The transition density is a linear combination of $\color{red}{electron}-\color{blue}{hole}$ pairs

\begin{gather*} n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} = \sum_{j \in HOMOs} \left ( \color{blue}{\psi_{j,\sigma}^*} (r) \color{red}{\psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)}(r)} + \color{red}{\psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)*}(r)}\color{blue}{ \psi_{j,\sigma}(r)} \right) \end{gather*}

$$ \color{red}{\psi_{i, \sigma}^{(\pm)}(r)} = \sum_{k \in LUMOs} c_{ik, \sigma}\psi_{k,\sigma} (r) $$

$\color{blue}{\psi_{j,\sigma} (r) }$ contributes to the hole, $\color{red}{\psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)}(r)}$ contributes to the electron.

  • Each of the terms in the sum are single determinant excitation in Quantum Chemical language.
  • in the ground state the $\psi_{j,\sigma}$ function would be fully occupied, but here density has been transferred to $\psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)}(r)$ .
  • The sum over all the HOMOs allows the hole to relax by mixing in other occupied orbitals.
  • Typical transitions will be dominated by a single determinant - mixing of others gives orbital relaxation.


We followed the original implementation of TDDFPT for semi-local functionals within CP2K (Thomas Chaissang's PhD thesis). But, ended up with complete rewrite.

  • It is activated within the &PROPERTIES section of &FORCE_EVAL - so can be used within MD or MC or single point calcs etc.

  • XC section is inherited from the ground state calculation.

Uses a standard block Davidson algorithm for iterative diagonalization of excited states.

Gaussians and Plane waves

For hybrid functionals we add in an extra term that comes from the response of the exact exchange part of the functional.

With hybrid density functionals the original action functional becomes a mixture of the TDDFT outlined above and TDHF.

  • The coulomb interaction in standard functionals actually becomes an exchange like term, dependent on wavefunction overlap between the electron and hole.

\begin{gather} \mathbf{K_{\nu \mu \sigma}} = \big{<} \phi_{\nu} \big{|} \sum_{\tau=\alpha, \beta} \big{[} \color{red}{\int_{r'} \text{d}r' \frac{n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} (r')}{\mid r' - r\mid}} + f_{XC,\sigma,\tau} (r,r';\pm \omega)) n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} (r') \big{]} \big{|} \phi_{\mu} \big{>} \end{gather}

\begin{gather*} \color{red}{ n_{j, \sigma}^{(1)} (r) = \sum_{j \in HOMOs} \left ( \psi_{j,\sigma}^* (r) \psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)} (r) \right) + \left ( + \psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)*}(r) \psi_{j,\sigma}(r) \right) } \end{gather*}

Semi-local functionals have incorrect long-range behaviour because of this - well known underestimation of charge transfer states.

Semi-local terms - grids

Semi-local DFT terms are calculated on realspace multigrids

\begin{gather} \mathbf{K_{\nu \mu \sigma}} = \big{<} \phi_{\nu} \big{|} \sum_{\tau=\alpha, \beta} \big{[} \color{red}{\int_{r'} \text{d}r' \frac{n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} (r')}{\mid r' - r\mid} + f_{XC,\sigma,\tau} (r,r';\pm \omega)) n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} (r')} \big{]} \big{|} \phi_{\mu} \big{>} \end{gather}

  • first red term is a potential that arises from the transition density

\begin{gather*} n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} = \sum_{j \in HOMOs} \left ( \color{blue}{\psi_{j,\sigma}^*} (r) \color{red}{\psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)}(r)} + \color{red}{\psi_{j,\sigma}^{(-)*}(r)}\color{blue}{ \psi_{j,\sigma}(r)} \right) \end{gather*}

  • 2nd term is the 2nd functional derivative of the GGA part of the functional $$ \color{red}{f_{xc}(r,t; r',t') ≈ δ(t − t')\frac{\delta^2 E_{xc}^{LSDA/GGA}[n]}{ \delta n(r,t)\delta n(r',t')}_{n(r,t)=n^{(0)}(r,t)}} $$

For each trial vector this looks like a normal KS build.

Hybrid functionals

the exact exchange energy term in the ground state functional becomes a coulomb type interaction between the electron and hole density for each excitation.

\begin{gather} \mathbf{K_{\nu \mu \sigma}} = \big{<} \phi_{\nu} \big{|} \sum_{\tau=\alpha, \beta} \big{[} \color{green} { c_{HF} \frac{K(r,r')}{ {\mid r' - r\mid}}} + \color{red}{ \int_{r'} \text{d}r' \frac{n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} (r')}{\mid r' - r\mid}} + \color{green}{(1-c_{HF})} f_{XC,\sigma,\tau} (r,r';\pm \omega)) n_{j, \tau}^{(1)} (r') \big{]} \big{|} \phi_{\mu} \big{>} \end{gather}

where the symbolic $\color{green}{K(r,r')}$ operator exchanges electrons, like in HF theory. In this case operating on an exchange type term, it gives an electron-hole coulomb interaction. Symbollically, terms of the form:

$$ \color{green}{ \big<\psi_{HOMOS} (r) \psi_{HOMOS} (r) \big| { \frac{1}{\mid r' - r\mid}} \big| \psi_{LUMOS} (r') \psi_{LUMOS} (r') \big> } $$

Note this is like a coloumb interaction screened by an effective dielectric function equal to $\color{green}{c_{HF}^{-1}}$.

Hybrid terms - gaussians

Because of the exchange, it is not possible for the added exact exchange term to be calculated on the grids with iterative diagonalisation:

  • Hybrid term is calculated analytically using the existing hybrid functional routines in CP2K
    • access to fast ADMM approximation (x1000 speed up for some basis sets)
    • works for ADMM with no purification
    • works for global hybrids - tested for B3LYP and PBE0

Still looks like standard KS build - but no screening on initial $\mathbf{P}$.

Auxiliary Density Matrix Methods (ADMM)

$$ E[\rho] = T_S[\rho] + J[\rho] + E_{XC}[\rho, P] + \int v(\mathbf{r})\rho(\mathbf{r})\text{d}\mathbf{r} $$$$ E_{XC} = \alpha E_X^{HFX}[P] + (1 - \alpha ) E_X^{DFT}[\rho] + E_C^{DFT}[\rho] $$$$ E_X^{HFX} [P] = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{\lambda \sigma \mu \nu} P^{\mu \sigma} P^{\nu \sigma} (\mu \nu | \lambda \sigma) $$

introduce auxiliary density matrix $\hat{P}\approx P$

\begin{align} E_X^{HFX} [P] & = E_X^{HFX}[\hat{P}] + E_X^{HFX}[P] - E_X^{HFX}[\hat{P}]\\ & \approx E_X^{HFX}[\hat{P}] + E_X^{DFT}[P] - E_X^{DFT}[\hat{P}] \end{align}

Guidon, Hutter and VandeVondele, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 6, 2348 (2010)

Auxiliary Density Matrix Methods (ADMM)

  • total energy functional of both $P$ and $\hat{P}$
$$ E_{total} = E[P] + \hat{E}[\hat{P}] $$
  • still Kohn-Sham theory with ADMM
\begin{align} K_{total} & = \frac{\partial E[P]}{ \partial P} + \frac{\partial \hat{E}[\hat{P}]}{ \partial P} \\ & = K + \frac{\partial \hat{E}[\hat{P}]}{ \partial \hat{P}}\frac{\partial \hat{P}}{ \partial P} \end{align}

using a chain rule and

$$ K_{total} C = SC\epsilon $$

as the equation to be solved self-consistently. (Simplest case given here, ADMM1)

Guidon, Hutter and VandeVondele, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 6, 2348 (2010)


Parallelization and optimization

  • Each KS build for trial vector is independent - parallelize over groups.
  • But - need to diagonalize approximate H, and orthogonalize guess vectors - limits to few groups.
  • Reduced PW cutoff - excitations mainly around valence states, much smoother than semi-core

Aside - Tamm-Dancoff approximation

only the Tamm-Dancoff approximation to TDDFT is implemented in CP2K at the moment.

In this approximation $\phi^{(+)}_{j\sigma} (r) = 0$ and the equations simplify and become Hermitian.

Hopefully fairly well separated - so full TDDFT can be implemented.

Oscillator Strengths

Oscillator strengths calculated using either

  • the position operator form of the dipole interaction operator, which is valid for non-periodic systems

  • the velocity operator form of the dipole interaction operator

  • Berry Phase polarisation, following Bernasconi, Sprik and Hutter, CPL, 2003

MgO benchmarking

linear scaling with number of states for full TDDFPT

MgO surface slab system



MgO bulk defects

Independent particle absorption spectrum

512 atom bulk supercell.

$\Gamma$ point only (always in this presentation).

Broadened absorption spectra for canonical F centres in MgO.

Dielectric function consistent PBE0 functional.

MgO bulk defects

The F$^0$ defect in MgO has strong absorption peaking at 4.85 eV from a transition between an S-like and a P-like state.

The F$^{+1}$ defect in MgO has a lower energy absorption peak at 4.70 from excitation of an alpha spin electron in a gap-state into CB states and a higher energy peak at 5.26 eV which comes from excitation of beta spin electrons in VB states into the unoccupied state in the gap.

Excited states during MD of TiO$_2$ surface

Bulk TDDFT vs KS energies

Bulk vs $\big{<}110\big{>}$ surface TDDFT

HOMO-LUMO gaps and lowest energy excitation from ~2 ps simulation of Rutile TiO$_2$ bulk and surface.

Linear response summary

  • gives electron transitions and detailed information on the types of transition
  • cost will depend on system size, but increase linearly with the number of excited states that you want to calculate
  • supports calculations using hybrid functionals and the ADMM approximation
  • current implementation is still in beta, but is being actively developed.
  • analytical excited state forces on the way (SAINT).

Thanks To

  • ARCHER and EPSRC for funding.
  • Jurg Hutter and the CP2K developers group.
  • Iain Bethune, STFC.
  • Materials Chemistry Consortium!
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